PLS has a team of seasoned interpreters with proficiency and expertise in over 200 languages. Our interpreters are community-oriented and dedicated to client satisfaction.
Each interpreter has at a minimum a BTG certificate, native fluency in source and target languages, a strong background in the subject matter, is familiar with quality assurance procedures and ethical standards, adheres to confidentiality practices, and has had all required clearances, inclusive of federal, state and child abuse clearances
Consecutive Interpretation
is ideal for one-on-one conversations and small group meetings. Consecutive interpretation is generally bi-directional (i.e., the interpreter waits for the speaker to finish his/her statement before interpreting the language to the other party).
Simultaneous Interpretation
is ideal for conferences and large group meetings. Simultaneous interpretation is rendered in real time without disrupting the original flow of delivery. The simultaneous interpreter speaks at the same time as the presenter as opposed to a consecutive interpreter who waits for the speaker to finish his/her statement before interpreting the language to the other party.